1700. Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch

1700. Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch


Question Link

The question has a long description, but the situation is quite simple.

The restaurant will provide two kinds of sandwiches: circular sandwiches (0) and square sandwiches (1).

And students have their own preferences with the sandwiches.

We can only provide the top sandwich to the students.

When the student get their preferred sandwich, they will leave the line.

Otherwise, they will go to the back of the line.

We need to find out how many students cannot be provided.

Solution 1: Queue and Stack


We just use code to simulate the situation.

Students are like deque. They will go out from the left and go in from the right.

Sandwiches are like stack. They will go out from the top.


  1. Initialize length to the length of students.
    The sandwiches have the same length as the students.
    Initialize student_queue with an empty deque.
    Actually, you can initialize student_queue with students, but it will require one more loop for initialization.
    Initialize sandwich_stack with an empty list.
  2. Iterate from 0 to length:
    • Append students[i] into student_queue (Convert the students list to a deque).
    • Append sandwiches[length - 1 - i] into sandwich_stack (Reverse the sandwiches list).
  3. Initialize last_served to 0.
    We'll use last_served to check if we have checked around the student_queue.
  4. Iterate through the sandwich_stack while last_served is smaller than the length of student_queue:
    • current_student is the student dequeued from the left of student_queue.
    • If the top sandwich from sandwich_stack is equals to current_student:
      • Pop the top sandwich from sandwich_stack.
      • Reset last_served to 0.
    • Otherwise, append current_student back to student_queue
      • Increase last_served by 1.
  5. Return the length of student_queue, which represents the number of students who didn't get sandwiches.


class Solution:
    def countStudents(self, students: list[int], sandwiches: list[int]) -> int:
        length = len(students)
        student_queue: deque[int] = deque()
        sandwich_stack: list[int] = []

        for i in range(length):
            sandwich_stack.append(sandwiches[length - 1 - i])

        last_served = 0
        while sandwich_stack and last_served < len(student_queue):
            current_student = student_queue.popleft()
            if sandwich_stack[-1] == current_student:
                last_served = 0
                last_served += 1

        return len(student_queue)

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity: O(n)

Iterating from 0 to length takes O(n) time.

Iterating through the sandwich_stack takes O(n) time in the worst case.

The total time complexity is O(2n), which simplifies to O(n).

Space complexity: O(n + m)

We use an additional deque and an additional stack, which takes O(n + m) space.

Solution 2: Counter


  1. Initialize circular_counter to zero and square_counter to zero.
  2. Iterate through students:
    • If the student is 0, increase circular_counter by 1.
    • If the student is 1, increase square_counter by 1.
  3. Iterate through sandwiches:
    • If the sandwich is 0 and circular_counter is not zero:
      • Decrease circular_counter by1.
    • If the sandwich is 1 and square_counter is not zero:
      • Decrease square_counter by1.
    • Otherwise, the current sandwich cannot provide to any student:
      • Return circular_counter plus square_counter, representing the number of the students who didn't get the sandwich.
  4. Return 0 that all the students have been served.


class Solution:
    def countStudents(self, students: list[int], sandwiches: list[int]) -> int:
        circular_counter = 0
        square_counter = 0

        for student in students:
            if student == 0:
                circular_counter += 1
            else:  # 1
                square_counter += 1

        for sandwich in sandwiches:
            if sandwich == 0 and circular_counter:
                circular_counter -= 1
            elif sandwich == 1 and square_counter:
                square_counter -= 1
                return circular_counter + square_counter

        return 0

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity: O(n)

Iterating through the students takes O(n) time.

Iterating through the sandwiches also takes O(n) time.

The total time complexity is O(2n), which simplifies to O(n).

Space complexity: O(1)

We use two additional variables which takes constant space.