2073. Time Needed to Buy Tickets

There are people in lines who want to buy tickets.
People can buy one ticket at once and takes 1 second.
If they want to buy more tickets, they need to go to the back of the line.
They will leave the line until they bought the amount of tickets they want.
We need to find how many seconds does the person at index k needs to buy the tickets.
Solution 1: Simulation Without Queue
I actually want to use deque to simulate the real situation.
But we need to check the index k, so we can't remove the person from the tickets deque.
I have looked at the answer of LeetCode solutions after I used this solution to resolve the problem.
They use deque to save the index and keep the tickets in a list.
I think the deque is unnecessary.
as the counter. -
Iterate until the
become 0:- Iterate from 0 to the length of tickets:
- If
is positive, decreasetickets[i]
by 1 and increasetime
by 1. - If
is equals to 0, returntime
as the answer.
The person in indexk
has bought enough tickets.
- If
- Iterate from 0 to the length of tickets:
Return time. It's a defensive return.
We actually always return in the while loop.
class Solution: def timeRequiredToBuy(self, tickets: list[int], k: int) -> int: time = 0 while tickets[k]: for i in range(len(tickets)): if tickets[i] > 0: tickets[i] -= 1 time += 1 if tickets[k] == 0: return time return time
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity: O(n * m)
The outer while loop continues until the person at position k buys all of their tickets.
The inner for loop iterates through all people in the tickets array.
So, the overall time complexity is O(n * m).
Space complexity: O(1)
We just use a constant variable as the time counter, which takes O(1) space.
Solution 2: Math
We can use math to have only one loop.
The people who bought all the tickets will use the amount of the tickets times.
But we only need to calculate up to the person in index k who bought all the tickets.
The people after will only buy the amount of the tickets with the person minus 1.
Because this turn haven't turned to them.
Or their amount is less. They bought their tickets and already left the line.
as the counter. -
Iterate from 0 to the length of the
.- If
is less than or equal tok
:- Increase
by the minimum oftickets[i]
- Increase
- Otherwise:
- Increase
by the minimum oftickets[i]
andtickets[k] - 1
- Increase
- If
Return time as the result.
class Solution: def timeRequiredToBuy(self, tickets: list[int], k: int) -> int: time = 0 for i in range(len(tickets)): if i <= k: time += min(tickets[i], tickets[k]) else: time += min(tickets[i], tickets[k] - 1) return time
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity: O(n)
Iterating from 0 to the length of the tickets indeed takes O(n) time,
where n is the length of the tickets.
Space complexity: O(1)
Using a constant variable as the time counter indeed takes O(1) space complexity,
as it does not depend on the size of the input data.