402. Remove K Digits

402. Remove K Digits


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Remove K digits from the input integer string to make it the smallest possible integer.

Solution 1: Monostonic Stack + Greedy



We use a stack to compare whether the last digit is greater than the current digit.

If it is, we remove it from the stack.

This way, we can maintain the smallest possible integer in current stack.


  1. Initialize an empty string stack.

  2. Iterate through the num string:

    • While k is greater than 0, the stack is not empty and the last digit in stack is greater than n:
      • Pop the last digit from the stack.
      • Decrease k by 1.
    • If stack is not empty or n is not '0' (to prevent leading zeros):
      • Append n to the stack.
  3. If k is greater than 0, we need to remove more numbers:

    • stack should be sliced to remove the last k digits.
  4. Return the string joined by stack if stack is not empty, otherwise return '0'.

class Solution:
    def removeKdigits(self, num: str, k: int) -> str:
        stack: list[str] = []

        for n in num:
            while k > 0 and stack and stack[-1] > n:
                k -= 1

            if stack or n != '0':

        if k > 0:
            stack = stack[:-k]

        return ''.join(stack) or '0'

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity: O(n)

Iterating through the num string takes O(n) time.

Within the loop, there is a while loop that may execute at most O(n) times overall,

as each character can be pushed and popped from the stack at most once.

The total time complexity is O(2n), which simplifies to O(n).

Space complexity: O(n)

We use an additional stack to store the smallest possible integer, which takes O(n) space.