950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order

950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order


Question Link

We need to reorder the card deck to allow the player take the card with the game rules.

The deck will be ascending order after the game finished.

Solution 1: Simulation with Queue


  1. Sort the deck list.

  2. Initialize a deque named queue.

    Iterate from 0 to the length of the deck:

    • Append the index into the queue.
  3. Initialize a list named results, filled with zero with the length of the deck.

    Iterate through the deck:

    • Pop the index from the left of the queue.
    • Update results[index] to card.

    If queue is not empty:

    • Pop the index from the left of the queue.
    • Append index back to queue.
  4. Return the results.


class Solution:
    def deckRevealedIncreasing(self, deck: list[int]) -> list[int]:

        queue = deque()
        for i in range(len(deck)):

        results = [0] * len(deck)
        for card in deck:
            index = queue.popleft()
            results[index] = card

            if queue:
                index = queue.popleft()

        return results

Complexity Analysis

Time complexity: O(n log n)

Sorting the deck takes O(nlog⁡n).

It takes O(n) time to build the queue.

Then, it takes O(n) time to add the cards to the result array in the correct order.

The time used for sorting is the dominating term,

so the overall time complexity is O(nlog⁡n).

Space complexity: O(n)

In Python, the sort method sorts a list using the Timesort algorithm

which is a combination of Merge Sort and Insertion Sort

and has O(n) additional space.

Using an additional deque to store the indexes, which takes O(n) space.

As the dominating term is O(n),

the overall space complexity is O(n).